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Andersen Pinckney working on shipping scone mixes


Project Management | Design | Engineering
& Mountain Burgers (of course)


Award Winning Product Packaging

Voted #1 Best New Product

The Scone Goddess

Role: Graphic/Product Designer

The Scone Goddess was voted #1 Best New Product at the New England Made Gift & Specialty Food show. This was voted by retailers across New England from small mom & pop shops to large chains like L.L.Bean. I designed our new line of product packaging for The Scone Goddess which helped contribute to this huge victory. 

Professional Projects
Descent of Champions prize

A little about me...

Succinct and Straightforward. 

Let's keep it brief and to the point... as leaders should be encouraged to do! It's common that we sit in meetings wondering, "What am I doing here? This could've been sent in an email". I want to give you a brief of what I am like at and outside of work.


What am I like at work? 

  • I state my intentions. I make it clear what I want to do or get done so everyone is on the same page. 

  • I set and exceed expectations. I motivate myself by being goal oriented and staying on target.

  • I ask questions then act. I won't wait around for something to happen, but I seek out information before jumping into something. 

  • I take responsibility and credit teamwork. I'll take the fall for something I could've prevented, but no win goes unnoticed. It's important to credit people. 

My martial arts crossover spoof, "Karate Adult, Kill Bills"

Karate Adult, Kill Bills
Delicious Sandwich

Bacon, smoked turkey, maple-infused egg, habanero cheddar, pepper jelly, probably some mayo, toasted ciabatta

What am I like outside of work?​

  • Passion projects are huge for me. I've started several LLCs, Kickstarter campaigns, and have won business and pitch competitions earning funding for my work. 

  • I love to go outside and explore the world. Whether it's to disconnect, exercise or hang out with friends, a breath of fresh air is how I recharge. 

  • I love to socialize. I host game nights, movie nights, and various parties for friends and social circles.

  • I love music. I'm am a self taught musician working on an album.

  • Cooking is probably my favorite hobby. You can always peep more food pics on LinkedIn

  • "Work like a truck, eat like a truck". My friends and I would work 60-80 hour weeks in college, hit the gym every day, then eat tons of food. It was a camaraderie that was built on success and health.



About Me
Cheyenne Canon

Mountain Burgers?...

What are these... Mountain Burgers?

Mountain Burgers are more than just a delicious, juicy, rewarding burger cooked on the top of a mountain after a long hike – they're a personal brand. 


It all started with a bucket list item, hike a mountain then cook a burger. When I moved to Colorado in 2020, my cousin and I packed our bags with a camp stove and a bunch of ingredients. We hiked for about 3 hours to the top then proceeded to cook the first official Mountain Burger and drink a cold beer.


The burger was sensational to say the least, but it turned into part of my personal branding. It's seen in my zoom backgrounds, resume, and of course this portfolio. It's just a personal touch that helps people recognize me :)

Mountain Burger Background

Zoom Background From 2021 featuring Mountain Burgers

Mountain Burgers
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